Hunt for Role Play 2 - Pip's Picks - Part One

Here are a few of the things I found on the "Hunt for Role Play 2". This is not a usual fashion hunt:)

All the links are on the H4RP2 blog:

Dream Things: Moonbeam Fae. Tattoo is from Genesis Inc: Sun God tattoo. 
(Hair is from the lucky board at SyDS: Bird.)

Abundantia: Blue RP Robotic Eyes. Skin in all pictures is the Cheerno Femme hunt item from the  Euphoria Hunt. 

Gutterpup: Glisten Brown. (Hair: EMO-tions: Melina the latest group gift.)

Morte's Seduction: Female Medieval outfit

Donettas Discoveries female scorpion outfit (boots not included)

Sassy!~ Obsession camisk -forest (FYI: no underpants), Voom Tattoos: Tribal Shining Leaves

Les sucreries de fairy: H4RP gift

PA Designe: Red Silk

See Part 2 at: 
