Even dragons have their endings

Even dragons have their endings

FALLEN GODS INC - skin,  Elemental Dust Skin, applier compatible, 2 options available, 2 versions available, demo available, discounted for the event 695L each.- at WLRP
don't miss other Fallen God events this month like the Quasar Hunt
MOON ELIXIR - Felina Bikini, mesh body compatible, 8 options available, demo available, fatpack available at WLRP 
ZIBSKA -Bellona Brows includes HUD, .at WLRP
FALLEN ARMS - The Northern Star Katana, 3 options available, c/m/nt, at WLRP 
LE FORME -  Monster Eyes includes 6 options, applier compatible at WLRP  <
EVE - Scatha Dragon includes HUD, c/m/nt, at WLRP 
ANC LTD - Line Light includes 9 options, 1LI - 7LI, 5 versions available, c/m/nt, fatpack available at WLRP 
Exile - Hair - one of this Friday's Fifty Linden Friday' style
Catwa Head
Maitreya Body
Pose - Del May adapted
