The Sea Witch - Enchantment Opens August 14th
Hi all. Enchantment is soon to be upon us again in Second Life and I am eagerly awaiting the opening on August 14th of this amazing themed event. This round is all about the Little Mermaid. Mrs as you know are one of my favourite role plays in SL. The event opens August 14th at 5PM SLT and runs August 14th to Sept 5th. The event is also under new management and is being run in part by event organizers (and wonderful artist/bloggers) Duchess Flux and Sorchiee Irelund.
The White Armory - The Sea Witch Gown with jewelry by Norena Soir of Muse at Enchantment
The White Armory - The Sea Witch Gown with jewelry by Norena Soir of Muse at Enchantment
Gaeline - Celeste Jewelry set - Forehead Chain, necklace and earrings W/HUD (she also has a fit mesh tail available) at Enchantment
Roawenwood - Demonian Spiked Gloves - @ Genre : UnderWorld
Roawenwood - Demonian Spiked Gloves - @ Genre : UnderWorld
Lumae- Lilith skin -Genre : UnderWorld (w/ many applier options)
Goth1c0: Dark Staff of All Mages - Teal @ We <3 Role Play August round
Ohmai Salon - Tako - Rainbow Brites -(was at the Hair Fair now at the Ohmai Satellite Store
Hanging Pearls - By Fallen Gods from Odyssey set (from Fantasy Faire 2015)
Pose by Del May
{anc} bubbles
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