Mermaid Treasures & Boutique & Bliensen & MaiTai & The Plastik & Beautiful Freak

Hi all. Wonderful mer things at the Fantasy faire this year - such an amazing assortment that if you are a mer fan or live mer in SL you need to see. As well there is an underwater area to party in tonight and tomorrow night under the water in Wiggenstead Moor harbour (near the teepees) - see before the Faire is closed and go for a coupes dance. You have until sometimes Tuesday to still explore…have a look around before it all disappears. 

Mermaid Treasures & Boutique: MTB Salacia Mix Loving Mermaid RFL at Faery Court
 Bliensen + MaiTai - Seafro - Mermaid Hair - Blue at Faery Court
 Bliensen & MaiTai:- Gilgalad - Armbands & Necklace at Faery Court (sold separately)
The Plastik: :[P]:-Asaia Skin:// Zylratah (makeup, ears, appliers available) at Faery Court
Beautiful Freak: Dead matte Lipstick Cursed Blue on Mourningvale Thicket
Poses: !Bang Mermaid
