Last chance to get Exclusive Fairy Petite: Fallen Gods Inc.

Hi all. If you read my blog at all you know I am a fangirl of Fallen Gods Inc. I am always curious what new thing Alia Baroque will release for the Fantasy Faire. This year one of his exclusive Faire releases is a gorgeous petite. If you haven't been to the Faire yet - there is a little wiggle room as the Faire will be open to the public until it fades away sometime on Tuesday - go just to see the amazing builds and pick up this lovely little petite. As well I am showing the front of a great little treehouse for petites called: Petite Fae-tastik Tree by Dragon Magick Wares - also at the Faire. 

Fallen Gods Inc. Anima Petite Faire Exclusive RFL item at Sanctum
Deviance wings: part of Spring Fairies for Petites - Lavender on SL Marketplace
Musa: RFL POSE 02 at Sanctum 
Hair: Secrets/Underscore: Naive colours on SL Marketplace  
Dragon Magick Wares:  Petite Fae-tastik Tree at Hopes Horizon
