Fantasy Faire 2013 - One extra day - Mermaid Treasures

Hi all. Good news. Fantasy Faire 2013 is staying open an extra day so people can drop by and see things longer - so open until April 29th now. As well the second part of the Fantasy Faire Hunt has been temporarily postponed until may 2nd. It will be continuing beyond the the Faire so don't despair. 

Mermaid Treasures and Boutique is at Fantasy Faire again this year and they have two Relay for Life items that are up to their usual high standards. Mermaid Treasures and Boutique is on the Titan's Hollow sim. 
Mermaid Treasures and Boutique:  Sparkly Jaimie Mermaid Boxed RFL item 
The Plastik: [P]:-The Arkasia Mermaid Skin: Klise NEW RELEASE Evensong Woods 
/Wasabi Pills/ : Erika Mesh Hair - Crystal Violet Relay for Life 2013 Wasabi Pills  Magnificat sim

Mermaid Treasures and Boutique: Sparkly Saffies Mermaid Boxed RFL item 
The Platisk: [P]:-The Arkasia Mermaid Skin: Klise NEW RELEASE Evensong Woods Sim
/Wasabi Pills/ : Erika Mesh Hair - Crystal PinkRelay for Life Wasabi Pills is on the the Magnificat sim
