Fantasy Faire 2012 - Sneak Peek - Dragon Magick Wares & Curious Kitties RFL items

Hi all. Fantasy Faire 2012 opens tomorrows. One more sleep! This wonderful event raises money for the American Cancer Society and last year raised over 20, 000 US. Come out and see new fantasy creations and help support the American Cancer Society's vision of a world without Cancer.

Dragon Magick Wares is one of the Fantasy Faire 2012 stores I am covering closely as I am an official blogger for this store.

Dragon Magick Wares: Petite Secret Hideaway RFL item (this is so cute)

Curious Kitties: Evil Fairy Avatar RFL item
Curious Kitties: Enchanted Purple Scary Pixie Dress & Boots RFL item
Curious KittiesMystic Blossom Choker - Enchanted Purple RFL item (this is a steal at just L$1)

Fantasy Faire 2012 will be open to the public April 21 -29 and accessible from the American Cancer Society sim. We welcome you to come and join the story.

For more information please contact:

Elizabeth Tinsley or Zander Greene in SL 

Fantasy Faire 2012 is produced by Friends Fighting Cancer.

Are you or a loved one battling cancer? Find out how many ways the American Cancer Society is there to help. Visit or call (US) 800-ACS-2345. 

RFL in SL:

American Cancer Society Landmark:
