.:EMO-tions:. - Vampire Survivor - Come Here...

Hi all. I don't do many blogger challenges....but I loved the Silks of Second Life Challenge this week in honour of the upcoming Fantasy Faire! Be a Vampire of any sort and any style....and the NEW RELEASES from EMO-tions this week is great for this challenge...

.:EMO-tions:. *: Survivor (Unisex)

.:EMO-tions:. * SURVIVOR II with Feather attachments
Boots: + eX + ezura Xue : Avant Garde E.T Ankle Boots *Black Set 
(picked up at FFL on special these are great)
Skin: MOJO: Free Group Skin Angelica (Free to join group)
Eyes: Sterling Artistry: Candy Shop: Underworld Eyes: Kyanite 10L Special
Fangs: Heartsick (old group gift)
Poses: Atooly (50L pose pack sale on right now- last day today!)

*promo copies
