RMK Gothic Bunny Hunt - RMK & Dreaming Maiden
Hi all. This is a fabulously fun (if a bit time consuming) hunt...you chase bunnies about the RMK Gothic sim (go out into the greener spaces the bunnies are not really about the stores unless they are lost). The lil bunnies give you a ticket (after a while), and you go to the store and collect the prize by wearing your ticket and clicking an Alice in Wonderland book. The prizes are really lovely....and it is really fun...16 tickets to collect. Start at RMK Gothic. Hunt ends March 31st/12.
+RokumeikaN+ (+RMK) *Prince of Hearts*+Alice in RMK Gothic Bunny Hunt
!Dreaming !Maiden [alice]special edition box* RMK Gothic Bunny Hunt Gift
Eyes: Sterling Artistry: Carnival Glass Eyes Silver (not free, old special)
Shoes:::Duh!:: Mary Janes: Black 25L (or get the 5 pair fatpack for 60L these are classic & great)
Shoes:::Duh!:: Mary Janes: Black 25L (or get the 5 pair fatpack for 60L these are classic & great)
[!SyDS! Hair] Moment of Truth - Group Lucky Board Gift
Mother Goose: MiChi III Lucky Board Gift
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