The Beauty & the Beast Hunt - PeKaS

Hi all. More great gifts from The Beauty & the Beast Hunt...this time from PeKaS.

PeKaS: The Beauty - The Beauty & the Beast Hunt Gift
Pose: Exposeur: Poof (Not Free)
Hair: Wasabi Pills: MESH - NEW RELEASE Monique: Golden (250L a colour pack)
Skin: Heartsick: Harmony Black Shimmer (The Biannual Wash Cart Sale until March 14th) 10L

PeKaS: Eragor black Brown & Belle Boots  - The Beauty & the Beast Hunt Gift
Hair: Wasabi Pills: MESH -NEW RELEASE Dragon: Ash Male (250L a colour pack)
Male Pose: Stakey:  Shy Guy 5 poses (The Biannual Wash Cart Sale until March 14th) 10L
