Shay's Third Bloggyservary - Come get your Prezzie's and Celebrate with her!
Hi all. Ok one of the bestest and most prolific blogger in SL (and one of the nicest, generous, and modest people I have met in or out of world) is having an anniversary celebration to mark the third year of her blog. Her blog is here if you don't know that I am talking about Shayariel Teardrop & and her great blog Shay and the Shopping Gang:
She has been sent all kinds of gifts (cause people love her so) and true to character she wants to share. If you join her group Shay and the Shopping Gang and you can share in all the delightful goodies in the group notices. Creators and stores that have sent things are: EMO-tions, Kouse Sanctum, Banana Banshee, Beauty Code, Bang Bang, Cilian'gel Boutique, Razzanova, Milky Pink, Alexohol, Alice Project, Embody...etc. - wow. A testament to a wonderful person.
For example one the gifts is a special version of the Kouse Sanctum NEW RELEASE Fleur...
Kouse Sanctum: NEW RELEASE Fleur Gift for Shay
Skin: Razzanova Gift: Adele Skin - Someone Like You (Shay's Gift group)
Shoes: Bang Bang Leather Pumps (Shay's Gift group)
Eyes: Banana Banshee Shay's Birthday Dark (Shay's Gift group)
Pose: Embody Karolina 1 (Shay's Gift group)
Hair : Pomme d' Amour / NEW: POWDER HAIR: Intense Black (Not Free & not in Shay's prezzies but cute)
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