TOSL Event - Fantasy Fantastic - Pip's Pick's

Hi all. The theme this week for TOSL is “Once Upon a Time” and the things available are wondeful...especially the poses & props....

Magnifique: Castel Window Pose Prop – 75L

Dreamscapes Art Gallery : Once Upon a Time Set – 150L

Lauria Le Prince Charmant – 55L

Vogue Body Shop: Queen of Heart skin 50L

Virtual Insanity: The Black Swan Tiara 62L

Sweeter Than CandyEllette Coral Dress 85L

Embody Shapes & Poses: Fairy Dreams Multi pose Pope 119L (6 poses)

Clutter: In the Ancient Grove: 60L

Priceless Poses: The Wild Side 80L (having always been partial to wolves on motorcycles this gets my vote)

Crackberry Fairytale Castle Poser – 50L (10 sits)

DV8: Electrifae 100L

Blacklace: Sublime: Starry Night (masque & beads not included) 99L

Tranquility Way Station Designs : Once Upon a Storybook Designs 75L

CoLLisions also has a cute necklace with a story book on it for 75L....
