Avatar Bizarre Moolto Hunt Prize

Hi all. There is an awesome outfit from Avatar Bizarre for the Moolto Hunt. It is very cool & glowy.

Info on the MOOLTO Hunt: The hunt runs from June 1-30th. Starting location is Orage Creations.
You need to join the Moolto group inworld and pick up the moolto box (which includes some freebies by the by...to get your special Moolto glasses.
SLURLs of the all the hunt locations can be found here: http://moolto.ning.com/group/mooltosistershunt/forum/topics/02-june-11-hunt-locations

Avatar Bizarre: Ion Suit Purple

Skin: Mother Goose: .Trudy-III (LB) Lucky Board Prize 0L

Hair: Slow Kitchen: Hair_05(Lavender-purple) Lucky Board Prize

Eyes: Oceane's Body Boutique Unisex Liquid Eyes: Forget me not MOOLTO June Hunt Gift 0L
Pose:  Juxtapose  : Trio Group Gift 0L
