Freebie of the Day -March 24th, 2011 - Lost in Starnight

I got this freebie off another blog that I just discovered but I couldn't pass up a drow mermaid and great free drow skin could I? Thank you to Shangraloo Kuhn.  Lost in Starnight has a beautiful free mermaid avatar, with a fairy drow skin, matching jagged ears and a Mermaid AO. This is a unisex starter mer avatar, there also is a male skin. You can wear the drow skin sans mermaid. This mermaid costume has a beautiful tail and I love the silver black. This package is available in the store and on SL Marketplace.

The hair in all pics is Secrets Hair : Felicia: All Colours 0L

 Lost in Starnight: -Promo Package 'Merfolk' 

Lost in Starnight also has  4 free female skins in the store, and two free male drow skins. One of them is the same as in the Promo Package.

Faerye dust-Drow dark 0L

Faerye dust-Demonic 0L

Faerye dust-Passion 0L

Faerye dust-Teal 0L

I don't usually do mer but it was fun to swim with the fishes.

The two male skins are also shown.
Male-Faerye dust-Drow light 0L
Male-Faerye dust-Drow Dark 0L


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