Euphoria Hunt -- Round 2 LOQ hair and others
Hi all, the Euphoria sim is having another great hunt. Look for the E and Find this LOQ hair: Mischa hair in Onyx and other prizes. Mons has some great eyelashes I would have shown you but my slanted eyes makes good eyelash fitting oh a 45 min. job each pair ick :) Hunt is on until the 25th.
Other Fantasy picks of the hunt:
Sys (Body suit),
Dare (cute poses),
Sigma (bangles),
Oh! Studio, (My Waist Chain in gold),
Glance (Louisa Red skin),
Lapointe & Bastchild (“Nouveau Gothique” Olde Silver/Black Iron Diamond ring),
[m] (very cute : cage boots),
Lost World Poses (Drama Queen),
Cheerno Femme (Dahlia2 Light skin skin),
Fellini Couture (Taup Romance dress & hat--i don't love it but maybe you will)
also Donna Flora has an almost fantasy flower hat.
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