Soaring - The Fantasy Gacha Carnival

Hi all. Great round at the Fantasy Gacha Carnival  - amazing things are to be had. The Forge Drulla Silver outfit is especially awesome - it comes in a black, silver and gold versions, with rare Lower leg guards and Ultra Rare Headpiences in the three colours. It is extremely lovely. There are also some gorgeous props by anc ltd. to be won - the one I am showing is melted moon. There are also some gorgeous props by anc ltd. to be won - the one I am showing is melted moon and the RARE Cosmos Trampoline. 


The Forge Drulla Silver - Ultra Rare Headpiece; Drulla Rare Lower Leg Guards, Drulla Thigh Guards, Drulla Bracers, Drulla Top, Drulla Panties all at the Fantasy Gacha Carnival
[anc ltd] Melted Moon and RARE Cosmos Trampoline at the Fantasy GachaCarnival 75L per play
Entwined: Ariel Hair - Monochrome  at Enchantment on until Sept. 5th
[Black Bantam] Rideable Soldier Eagle (and other eagle pose options) from the last round of The Secret Affair
Bliensen & Maitai - Furchur - Dragon Shoes @ Genre "Age of the Dragon"
[The Forge] Tarygaryen Necklace, Silver @ Genre "Age of the Dragon"

Genesis Lab - Emily Rare 01 Kustom9 100L per play
