Blue Blood New Lucky Boards & Romi Juliesse Group Boards

Hi all. Blue Blood has changed the Lucky Boards and there are a whole bunch of new cute dresses out for you to win. Also Romi Juliesse has a newish Lucky Board with 12 past group gift skin and a couple of new ones. Whoever is using her store as a dressing room...cleanup after yourself girl...not nice. I love store owners who allow rezzing...don't abuse this. Romi is sweetness herself.

Blue Blood:  Lirio OCRE Lucky Board Gift 0L

Skin & Shape: Romi Juliesse: Reopening Skin Light (3 tones) Group Board (100L to join) 
 Eyes: Ibanez Eyes: NEW RELEASE Aqua Glow Eyes: Lemon Shark Group Gift 0L
Hair: D!va  "Ruri" (Ruby) LB limited color! 0L
Lashes: Mother Goose Pointed Lashes Lucky Board Prize (0L)
Boots: CHoOoZ:: "Vengeance": Olive. 1L SL Marketplace
