I Love Cupcakes Hunt - Lethe & other gifts & deals

Hi all. Lethe has a great gift out right now for the I Love Cupcakes Hunt. As well there are several other great outfits and deals to be had. For the group it is 75L to join, this fee is recent, last month it was free. But the gifts are great!

Lethe: I Love Cupcakes Hunt Gift w/ shoes & hat & basket

Lethe Cirque du Dolly w/ Shoes & Hat November Group Gift
Above Hair: [e] Soft: White Collabor88 88L for a colour pack

Lethe Baroquin' Loli Spring Blue w/ shoes Group Lucky Board Gift

If you hate to hunt or missed the last No Strings Attached Hunt 3, Lethe has the prize out for only 25L.

Lethe Gathering memories Female Gift NSA3 Hunt Gift 25L

Skin: TWA-The White Angel Creations: Sunkissed: I Love Cupcakes Hunt Gift (also comes with shape not shown) 0L
Hair: Draconic Kiss I Love Cupcakes Hunt Gift (4 colours) 0L
